Nova pdf for mac
Nova pdf for mac

nova pdf for mac

It installs as a printer driver and helps you generate the PDF files by simply selecting the "print" command from any application (you can convert Word documents, Excel sheets, PowerPoint presentations, AutoCad drawings, emails or web pages). Using novaPDF Pro you can easily create high quality searchable PDF files in an affordable and reliable way from any Windows application. If your images or text are unusually large - don't worry, you can compress the entire document afterwards no matter what it contains. You have pretty much full control over what you add to the documents including the ability to embed fonts and insert images of different resolutions. Although it's very straightforward with a fully comprehensive tutorial and manual, there's even free support which is unusual in an unregistered piece of software (although registered users are dealt with first).

nova pdf for mac

You can create just about any type of PDF file including bookmarks, PDF links, public and private documents as well as PDF watermarks and perform PDF compression. The reason being is that novaPDF acts like a virtual printer. The first thing you'll notice is that it's very easy to use because once installed, all you have to do is select "Print" from the file menu of virtually any application you're using. NovaPDF is a PDF creator that allows you to easily create high-quality searchable PDF files. Any software that attempts to present an alternative to Adobe's sluggish PDF software is fine by me and novaPDF does an impressive job at rivalling the industry standard package.

Nova pdf for mac